LaidOffCamp / Chicago


Looking for the perfect job? If you are, then you first need to consider the quality of your resume that you plan on submitting to your dream company. Whatever you submit as basis for your credentials will create the companys impression of who you are. Thus, there is a need to learn the proper way of writing resumes, curriculum vitae and cover letters. These three main documents reveal basically reveal your personal information and your desire to become a part of the company.


[[ Resumes]]


[[ | Resumes]]








<a href="">Resumes</a>




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Comments (19)

arzu said

at 8:14 am on Sep 19, 2010

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seckin said

at 9:21 am on Jul 16, 2010

evdenevesec said

at 12:48 pm on Jun 17, 2010

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komputer said

at 1:10 pm on Jun 10, 2010

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Marcossp said

at 11:00 am on Feb 10, 2010

Is there any way to join the community by providing services, would like to learn more about web technologies. I have created several applications (<a href="">otimização de sites</a>, <a href="">acompanhantes</a>, <a href="">cabos eletricos</a>, <a href="">controle de acesso</a>, <a href="">perder peso</a>, <a href="">ortodontista</a> and <a href="">portas de enrolar</a>, <a href="">desentupidora</a>, <a href="">cartoes de visita</a>) and would like to share and learn.
Thanks a lot!

hayda said

at 6:57 pm on Jan 14, 2010

That is very good comment you shared.Thank you so much that for you shared those things with us.Im wishing you to carry on with ur achivments.All the best.

Kate Rees said

at 2:13 pm on Jun 8, 2009

Hey there! I'm attending the event on Wednesday but need to know where convenient parking is nearby. Thanks!!!

DHResumes said

at 1:03 pm on Jun 8, 2009

DHResumes will provide consultations on existing resumes. Bring your printed resume for tips and free advice.

-- DHResumes, writing with results!

Jessica said

at 8:29 am on May 7, 2009

I'll be helping out with the Entrepreneurial forum for LaidOffCamp, if anyone is interested in participating and / or moderating this forum along with me ... let me know!


Kate Rees said

at 5:53 am on May 4, 2009

Hey there. So I'm really excited to see laidoffcamp come to Chicago. I just attended in New York this past weekend. It was my first non-conference and I was inspired by everyone's passion and willingness to work together towards improvement. I'm moving back to the midwest at the end of the month and hopefully my friend will let me crash at her house so I can attend laidoffcampChi!

Jessica said

at 3:29 pm on Mar 13, 2009

Hello, my name is Jessica.

I would love to help out with the planning and/or speaking at LaidOffCamp in Chicago.

I am an entrepreneur, recently laid off from a part time position.

Despite the safety net being ripped from beneath me, I now run a successful consulting firm, Till Creative, which helps startups focus, take action, develop, and ultimately market their new businesses.

My newest project, Layoff Moveon, is a site dedicated to helping those affected by the recession survive & thrive through sharing tips from others on the front line. We launch in a few weeks, and would love to promote LaidOffCamp in whatever way possible. I think its doing great things!

Website: (temporary home)
Email: jessica@tillcreative
Twitter: __LOMO

Tracie Setliff said

at 12:13 pm on Mar 12, 2009

I am a "long term temporary worker" out of the Midwest. By that I mean, I have been hired by a temp agency to work for a large company for an indefinite period of time. I have been working here for two years now, which seems good on the surface. The problem is, I have no sick leave. I get one week paid vacation, but only after I've put in a certain number of hours within one calendar year. My first year, I was barely short of the hours since I was hired right after the beginning of the year instead of at the beginning of the year (they changed this the year I started working so, I was one of the few affected), I have no job security and have survived five layoffs since I started. I have no benefits, and no retirement.
Being single and the sole source of income in my home makes me nervous about the future. If I miss one day due to illness, they can let me go, and since they can use that as an excuse to fire me, I would be unable to get unemployment benefits.
I really need to know how to use my years of skills as an executive assistant to find a job that has more security than this one. If anyone has any ideas, I'm wide open for them. Would love to hear any suggestions as to the best way to locate good jobs with more security than I have now. I know there is no true security in this economy, however, I would be willing to relocate for the right job.
Thank you for any assist you can give.

Mehrdad Fagan Hassani said

at 12:50 pm on Feb 7, 2009

Yes, I'm interested in details. Thanks for the update on that.

Kris Castro said

at 12:04 pm on Feb 7, 2009

As a diabetic with no health insurance, I thought being laid off was a death sentence. But there are resources out there if you need them. You just have to be careful -- there are also scams. For instance, stay away from Free Medicine Revolution. Anybody interested in details?

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