LaidOffCamp / Denver
  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



LaidOffCamp Denver



LaidOffCamp is an ad-hoc gathering of unemployed and self-employed people (including entrepreneurs and startups) who want to share ideas and learn from each other. You do NOT have to be unemployed to attend!


When / Where

  • Date TBD we do know that its going to be on the same day as the rest of the s
  • Searching for a venue in Denver for 100-200 people (or more)
  • RSVP for LaidOffCamp Denver on Facebook, Upcoming and LinkedIn (<- events need to be created)


Planning and Volunteers


Session Ideas

  • (session ideas were taken from LaidOffCamp SF, feel free to modify)
  • Living on a budget
  • Building your personal brand
  • Finding a job / work in this market
  • How to freelance / be a consultant
  • Finding co-founders
  • Affordable health insurance




Who's Talking About LaidOffCamp Denver?

  • nobody yet... our twitter feed will be coming soon!