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Welcome to the LaidOffCamp Wiki

The primary purpose of this wiki is for the organization and planning of LaidOffCamps, which are ad-hoc gathering of unemployed and nontraditionally employed people (including freelancers, entrepreneurs and startups) who want to share ideas and learn from each other.


Want an example? Take a look at San Francisco, Dallas or New York.


Editing this wiki - Any registered PBwiki user (registration is quick + free) is free to edit the contents of this wiki as they see fit.


New here? Join the LaidOffCamp mailing list. Here are some notes on using this wiki.


Attending a LaidOffCamp? Here's what to expect at a LaidOffCamp.


Want to organize a LaidOffCamp? Read about organizing a LaidOffCamp, and then get familiar with the rules.


Who's Talking About LaidOffCamp?

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Want to host a LaidOffCamp in your city? Read about organizing a LaidOffCamp.


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Comments (34)

Julia Clapton said

at 8:10 am on Dec 24, 2009

Hear about this site through Leo's show! Great idea!

Generation Axed said

at 10:06 am on Sep 9, 2009

You’ve been laid-off! It’s time to identify with millions of others with the same experience. Join us at Generation Axed ( and have a laugh on us.

Generation Axed isn’t about minimizing the impact of being laid-off, the real goal is to promote the appreciation of people and bring smiles to faces.

Generation Axed is a takeoff of gen-X, gen-Y, and boomers. It includes people of all ages and professions.

Take a few minutes to visit ; enjoy the Termination video, walk through the parody gallery and browse the products that identify you as a member of Generation Axed.

Enter code “LOCamp” to get a 10% discount.

(account deleted) said

at 2:40 pm on Sep 7, 2009

Wow, a lot of people here. I am looking to connect with a freelance entrepreneurial web expert who can handle front end design as well as back end support of a new web based motorsports services business. Somebody who is motivated and wants to get in on the ground floor. Preferably in the SF bay but not required.

Looking to make this happen soon, but not going to be impatient. please reach out and I will be sure to provide a timely response.


Hector Krauss said

at 11:07 am on Aug 13, 2009

Helping companies addressing the US Based Hispanic market in a culturally accurate and revenue generating way.

DHResumes said

at 1:13 pm on Jun 8, 2009

DHResumes will provide consultations on existing resumes. Bring your printed resume for tips and free advice.

DHResumes, writing with results!

Joy Ceilidh said

at 12:12 am on Apr 5, 2009

This is great! It really ties in with the project I recently started: Redefining Unemployment

Basically the concept is that the current economic crisis has given an unprecedented number of people a lot of free time - there are talented, skilled people with good ideas that can connect and create their own opportunities. While we're at it, we can focus on creating companies that have a more sustainable business model and which strengthen our local economies. Anyway, I'm looking forward to connecting more with LaidOffCamp!

I lost my job last December and have never been happier.

Tracy Pullman said

at 9:37 am on Mar 30, 2009

Thanks! Posted Motorola Developer Infrastructure Engineer

Chris said

at 10:11 pm on Mar 26, 2009

Post any/all jobs at

Tracy Pullman said

at 9:15 pm on Mar 26, 2009

Just wondering...where is the best place to post a job opening to the bay area laidoffcamp community? Thanks!

Jason said

at 11:16 am on Mar 10, 2009

Hear about this site through Leo's show! Great idea!

Melea said

at 1:55 pm on Mar 9, 2009

On Saturday, we started a Facebook group called Can we find 1,234,567 people to create *FUN* not fear by April 1, 2009? Our goal for today is 1,234.567 members. Right now, we're over 1,100.1. LaidOff Camp's interest in using human creativity in times of adversity and collaboration is just the kind of thing that our group is all about. I'm posting a link there to your wiki. Please find us at: Join, participate, and sign up for the webinar on April Fools' Day!


Cmcguire said

at 11:43 am on Mar 8, 2009

Hey Everybody. Chris this is a cool site. I got laid off from my interactive web developer/IT position in the beginning of February and I'm still a CSC student but was recently developing CMS solutions in php/MySQL. I really appreciate this community for standing up for each other and I think this a great feat. ATL...

Sean McCarthy said

at 8:32 pm on Mar 7, 2009

Hi Chris and everyone else. I am a laid off IT guy and am hanging in there taking things day by day. I found this a while back and went for it.
I thought I would share it with you because it has helped me and I am on my way to self sufficiency. Hopefully (with persistence) I will never go through this hell again.

Ivan Lopez said

at 2:30 pm on Mar 6, 2009

Hola Chris... Soy colombiano estudiante de Ingenieria Informatica hay mucho desempleo en este pais en especial en este sector, me gustaria saber como podria hacer conferencias de este tipo y asi colaborar con tu causa, desde mi pais te felicito por esta labor y mucha suerte.

Daniel Man said

at 1:49 pm on Mar 6, 2009

Loving this idea for sure. Unfortunately, I live in Canada, so it might be sometime before this thing reaches my end.

Wish everyone the best of luck with this, none the less!

Gaston said

at 7:43 pm on Mar 4, 2009

Chris and all...

Thanks again for putting this together it was quite an experience..

Also if you attended, feel free to edit and add to the page:

Future of Laidoffcamp - Feedback.

Chris said

at 5:38 pm on Mar 4, 2009

The venue said 380 people showed up, but most of the press estimated the number at 400-500

David Sweet said

at 5:26 pm on Mar 4, 2009

We are putting a team together for our San Fran Mission Street retail location.
The Prime Tiime Emmy folks, Barrie, asked that I write new comedy production to cheer America up.
We are looking for Experienced CMO, CTO, CCO, types and Gaming Specialists to present to the top 12 San Fran Funding Groups..
in our Exec Mgmt Team for this new Comedy Game Show parody of Deal-no-Deal...where the laid off win free stuff for guessing
sales numbers by our models.. sign in and upload your resume.!.
We have quite a few corps to ready to go..!
Dave Sweet
Emmy Award Winning Comedy Writer

Abby Zimberg said

at 4:54 pm on Mar 4, 2009

any definite numbers for attendees? Am adding a post to someone's blog called fired for now.

Mariva H. Aviram said

at 4:17 pm on Mar 4, 2009

I'm unable to log in to in order to post job listings. Here are the jobs available at Kyte:

(account deleted) said

at 11:38 am on Mar 4, 2009

Sorry I missed this. I think it's a great idea and good luck with it in the future!

erinleighbrown said

at 12:48 am on Mar 4, 2009

unfortunately, i think some structure would be really beneficial for a day dealing with well educated professionals.

GotLaidOff said

at 11:30 pm on Mar 3, 2009

I Had a great time! Thanks for putting this together!

Benjamin said

at 3:59 pm on Mar 2, 2009

iPhone app for quickly canceling your ATT/iPhone account?

lapp said

at 2:00 pm on Mar 2, 2009

Please make sure I am on the mailing list for the next event. Although we are in Florida and unable to attend, we would love to sponsor next event in some fashion!


md said

at 5:14 pm on Feb 19, 2009

Wow--what a time we live in...I have helped thousands of people in their careers as a headhunter, one phone call at a time ....Now after 25 years I am giving MORE....I have compiled the best Resume Secrets and can offer this valuable information in a free download at the site:

We have partnered with national advertisers and created a system to allow anyone to download the Resume Secrets book...FOR FREE! Today!

Kelli Joyner said

at 6:49 pm on Feb 18, 2009

I have been laid off myself in the past, and know how hard it can be. After that last scare, in addition to my accounting job, I started selling Mary Kay part-time...recently I quit my accounting job to to sell Mary Kay full-time. I'm always looking for people to join my team, if anyone is interested. We actually aren't looking for the "sales type." We don't want anyone too pushy. The products sell themselves--they're wonderful! It's great flexibility, only $100 for a starter kit that has over $375 worth of full-size products to help you get started, the earning potential is unlimited, easy to earn prizes, great self-esteem, and my favorite part is making people feel better about themselves! If any of you want to hear more about it, please shoot me an email or give me a call, my info is on my website at:

Christine said

at 6:38 pm on Feb 18, 2009

How come when i click on the above listed names it states there is no link or this person may have had access but doesn't now. Where did everyone go?

I am starting a group at my church trying to Link people together who are in need of work with those who need work done. I am starting small but thought this would be a great resource for me to start at. But no one is available to talk with. Maybe I am missing something. Anyone? Help.

M Briggs said

at 6:15 pm on Feb 4, 2009

Alternative Career Choices. Could This Be Right For You?

If you are visiting this site you either have been laid off or think you might be. You could search for a job the traditional way via networking, perusing job sites and submitting your resume, OR you could take control of your future.

Are you ready for an alternate career choice? Are you ready to be self-sufficient? Have you dreamed of owning your own business, but don't know where to start?

If you are are interested in self employment opportunities, contact me about exploring your options. Through a proven process of guidance and education, we'll work together to discover what your goals and objectives are and find opportunities that best meet them.


Business ownership is not for everyone, but those who dream of this lifestyle and utilize my services find it an extremely valuable way to attain their goals.

Check out my website and I hope you will contact me:

Chris said

at 3:31 pm on Jan 31, 2009

Robert: Fixed... Thanks for letting me know!

Robert Tabaldo said

at 3:17 pm on Jan 31, 2009

Received an access denied message when attempting to use the above laidoffcamp SF march 3rd link.

Ron said

at 2:09 am on Jan 29, 2009

I have an as-yet un-funded startup ( ) that is being run by a growing number of entirely unemployed folks contributing time (myself included).

Maybe you could add a board or list of similar ventures that are cash-devoid but still looking for people with downtime to contribute to. Hopefully we can rally around projects like these with the hope of creating some new jobs or at least giving some training in new areas and resume boosters.

Ric Johnson said

at 3:07 pm on Jan 28, 2009

If anyone wants a great domain to start their own business, please check out OpenDomain
This is NOT SPAM - we have no ads. We have given great domains away like Drupal.Com or
For example - would anyone like to use for a social community?
Another great example is - this keyword brings in $2-3 per click!
I live in the US and am an active blogger - I want to help in anyway

Gregg Masters said

at 6:32 pm on Jan 27, 2009

Great idea Jen and Chris! Creativity often prospers most in adversity. And connection makes the strong group, stronger...Intimate, transparent groups, i.e., those who share without an agenda, will benefit all who show up and participate authentically!

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