LaidOffCamp / Miami


For the most up-to-date information about LaidOffCamp Miami visit



LaidOffCamp Miami

LaidOffCamp Miami is an ad-hoc gathering of job seekers and self-employed people (including entrepreneurs and startups) who want to share ideas and learn from each other.


NOTE: General Admission is FREE. You do NOT have to be unemployed to attend! 


LaidOffCamp Miami is a BarCamp-style unconference where the participants run the conference. Anyone is invited to attend



When / Where


Saturday June 6, 2009 9am-2pm

Miami Beach Convention Center - Hall D

1901 Convention Center Dr

Miami Beach, FL 33139

view map


Register Now for FREE! 

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Online Registration at Eventbrite

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Planning and Volunteers


Session Ideas

  • Living on a budget
  • Building your personal brand
  • Using social media to find a job
  • Using online resume writers
  • Finding a job / work in this market
  • How to freelance / be a consultant
  • Affordable health insurance


Sites of utilitarian





Who's Talking About LaidOffCamp Miami

  • Please let us know if you want to do a story on LaidOffCamp Miami.



Comments (10)

Simon Dale said

at 8:24 pm on May 20, 2010

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Rick Tuttle said

at 10:14 am on Mar 9, 2009

Thanks John,

Keep in touch and follow us on twitter @laidoffcampmia

Maybe once we do one in South Florida we can help you get going on the west coast.


JDunagan said

at 2:06 pm on Mar 6, 2009

Hi, Rick: I'm pretty busy this month, but I run the .Net Developers Group over in Naples/Ft. Myers, and I'm interested in seeing this get put together. I'll at least try to stay in touch until I can fully participate.

Take care,

Rick Tuttle said

at 5:44 am on Feb 26, 2009

Sort of. I haven't been able to make any meetings yet b/c of a commitment on Wed. nights. I plan to make the April refresh. Went to Barcamp and FOWA and I was a sponsor for BarCamp.

vicequeenmaria said

at 6:10 pm on Feb 25, 2009

Rick, are you part of the Refresh Miami community? Please follow me on twitter @vicequeenmaria.

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