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LaidOffCampNY organizers got their questions answered on
CNBC's Special Town Hall Event: "WHERE THE JOBS ARE"
(Repeating on Saturday, March 21 - 8PM and Sunday, March 22 - 8PM)
Web Extra: Jobs Experts Answer Your Questions
The cameras kept rolling after Wednesday’s town hall, the expert panel took even more questions related to the jobs crisis.
CNBC aired a special Town Hall event "WHERE ARE THE JOBS?" Wednesday, March 18th at 10pm. LaidOffCampNY organizers were in the audience asking questions. The program was taped live Wednesday morning for a 10pm evening broadcast. The program is scheduled to repeat on Saturday, March 21 - 8PM and Sunday, March 22 - 8P.)
Over four million people have been laid off since the start of the recession. CNBC will present a one-hour Town Hall event, "WHERE THE JOBS ARE", anchored by CNBC's Carl Quintanilla and Erin Burnett, that offers viewers a tactical approach to finding out where the jobs are, how to land them and how to keep them. Guests included: Jeff Taylor, founder/former CEO, Monster.com and current CEO of eons.com; Dr. Doug Hirschhorn, a peak performance coach and executive search consultant Jim Citrin of the firm Spencer Stuart.
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