Participants: Nate & Peter
(Nate's Notes)
Weve already started contacting some folks but we need your help in developing a list of potential sponsors. I've created a spreadsheet on google docs. Please visit it and just put in any companies that you can think of that might be sponsors either for cash or in-kind services.
What we're looking for:
- Any company that would have an interest in sponsoring the event for as little as $500
- Companies in New York, preferably.
- Companies that are making money from the economic downturn (i.e. job sites)
- Companies with a presence in the NY Tech Scene
- Companies that may be able to offer something to people who have been laid off (for in-kind sponsorship)
Even if you don't know anyone at the company or have any idea if they will sponsor, just put the name in - we will take responsibility for prioritizing them and figuring out how to contact them.
Here's the document: http://laidoffcamp.pbwiki.com/NewYorkSponsors
This is the public list so we're not putting contact information on it. If you do know someone at the company though, please email me the name of the person and I'll put that on our private list. If the company you work for now might be a potential sponsor, let me know by direct email as well. Any company you can think of will be helpful and much appreciated.
Here's SF's budget: http://laidoffcamp.pbwiki.com/SanFranciscoBudget
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