LaidOffCamp / SanFranciscoIdeasForNextTime


Ideas for the Next LaidOffCamp


These are some of the comments people had during the last session with Chris.


  • Website/registration/branding
    • Unsure if you had to have a Facebook account in order to register.
    • Wiki was hard to navigate.
    • People didn't want to join the Facebook group because "laid off" is in the name of the event.
    • Possible integration with Freelance Camp
  • Sessions
    • Voting on sessions in the morning.
    • More interactive element to the presentations/less powerpoint and presentation
  • Organizational Comments
    • More signs indicating where the rooms are
    • A large, projected schedule of sessions in a central location
    • Signs at room entrances indicating which session is going on
  • Frequency
    • Every 3 or 6 months for the SF LaidOffCamp.
    • Once every 1 or 2 months in different locations (east bay, peninsula, etc.)
    • Industry-specific LaidOffCamps at different times.

Comments (1)

Case Larsen said

at 10:07 pm on Mar 3, 2009

Perhaps, instead of lunch all in one small area, spread the food out over the entire room(s). that means less people standing in line and big clumps and more in smaller groupings.

Bring own water bottle (mentioned elsewhere) is again a good idea.

Audience should be reminded to remind speakers to speak up when not using mike.

I found two types of sessions were most beneficial to me:
- the professional session leaders who were presenting one of their repertoire (e.g. inner game/outer game)
- the open-ended discussions with a minimal set agenda or structure, i.e. each person needs to bring some input to the session to make it useful.

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