LaidOffCamp / SanFranciscoT-Shirts


Do we even need t-shirts? What do you think?


T-Shirt Designers:

  • I'm a graphic designer with, coincidentally a small side tee shirt business. I'm happy to contribute with a shirt design. I can also highly recommend a local vendor for printing and resources for blank shirts.
  • If you order the blanks shirts yourself and have them shipped to the printer rather than having the printer ship them it will save you 50ยข to a dollar per shirt.

T-Shirt Vendors:

Comments (2)

Rajiv Doshi said

at 12:26 pm on Feb 3, 2009

Not sure what the costs would be and it could be too expensive for this type of event we could also talk to HIT + RUN. They provide on site silk-screening at parties/events. I have been party where they were before and they were busy the entire night. They provided 4-5 different designs which people get to choose from. and have it printed right in front of them.

Chris said

at 4:21 pm on Feb 2, 2009

Repost from April: In the spirit of thrift, what if we had various stencils of an assortment of logos and paint (spray paint?). This way, we wouldn't have to hassle with ordering t-shirts, potentially having leftovers and the added expense. We can have people bring shirts or other items that they might want spray painted either obvious (Laid Off Camp 09!) or more covert like just to logo, to serve as inspiration and a reminder of the experience. Some people might not be comfortable wearing a LaidOffCamp shirt and this would give everyone options to take something home with them as their preference sees fit.

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